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District of Columbia

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New Hampshire

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New Jersey   

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New York     

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North Carolina 

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   Rhode Island 

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  South Carolina

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   South Dakota

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   West Virginia 

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Customer Reviews

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Vacation Cabin Rentals

Is Proud To Be An

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Southern Living Magazine - October, 2001 - "The best [cabin rentals website] for Virginia selections came from"

The Washington Post - June 23, 2002 - "We've examined numerous are...the better ones: ...Mountain Lodging Vacation Cabin Rentals
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You may search our web site for all rental listings containing matching words. Separate each word or phrase with a comma.
Example: 2 bedroom, pet friendly, Jacuzzi, Virginia

MountainLodging™ Search Engine

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I sold my cabins to my grown kids. I am buying one back, will market both. 
I apologize for not realizing you bring guests in my door, please forgive me.
Jim Power

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We have been very pleased with the exposure we have received from your website. Mountain-Lodging web site is so professional looking and 99% of our contacts came through your exposure. Thank you again for a job well done for us. We are still getting lots of inquiries, but will be closing down at the end of July. May God bless you greatly and hope you continue to do well.
Frances Evans

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Mr. Baldwin,

I don't know how you do it but this website is ranked number one to five on practically all the search engines when I searched for "cabin rentals." Particularly interesting is your number one ranking on which does an overall ranking of websites listed on the top 12 search engines! Your competition must be quite envious....


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Mr. Baldwin,

Just thought I'd forward some comments to you (about my rental) as well as my 3 star approval of your web site!!!! I've had an overwhelming response , the cost was paid for in two weeks!!!!This has worked out for me far better than any newspaper add...

Most Sincerely,

Lynne b. Peters

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Response to our website has been fantastic!  We've already booked enough rentals to pay for this month's mortgage plus the annual fee for our "deluxe" website account.  Keep up the good work!
Ted Steege
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Dear Karl,

Wow! Wow! Wow! The response has been incredible! Four to five email hits per day and at least three phone calls per day. Three bookings and four more in the works. The site paid for itself in a week.

Thanks for the wonderful site!

Susan Butler

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As cabin-owners featured on these sites, we are extremely pleased with the services provided by the webmaster; not only with the quality and design of each page, but also with the extensive technical and valuable advice he has given us.

William Thomas and Patricia Long
Pumpkin Hill
Luray, VA

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...By the way, your website, by far, is the very best I have seen and I looked extensively on the web for a vacation rental. It is informative, the pictures are great and it is very easy to use.

Rita J. Crepeau

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Congrats on a nice site. It was at the top of the list of results on a "" search I did for "cabins mountains Virginia", and I subsequently rented a unit from Frances and Sven.

Joe Wilson
Crewe, VA

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Category: Web site
Name: Susan Cherwa
Comments: I think this is a wonderful web site. I was looking for a cabin located in VA - at the Blueridge Mountains and I wanted to take my pets. Your site narrowed everything down for me and I especially like how you specify whether pets are allowed or not allowed.

Great Site!!

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----- Original Message
From: Norm Rollenhagen To:

Subject: www.mountain-lodging website


I'm interested to know how this website is working for you. I own a rental
cottage outside of Lexington, Va. and am considering it. Would appreciate your feedback.

Thanks! Norm Rollenhagen

----- Reply Message ----
From: Frances Jorgensen

To: Norm Rollenhagen <rollo> 
Subject: Re: www.mountain-lodging website

Good thunder-stormy afternoon!

We started on this website last June. It is absolutely the best thing we
have done since starting the business 5 1/2 years ago. For the first half
of last year, we were running with a 9% increase in revenue over 1997. In
July, our monthly revenue increased a whopping (!) 187%.  For the
remainder of the year, we realized the following revenue increases: August - 56%;
September 43%; October 67%; November 60% and December 93%. For the first
quarter of this year revenues increased 164% over the first quarter of 1998.
For five years, we lost money in the first quarter - big time. This year, we
ended it in the black! As you probably know from the website, we have five Cabin Rentals.
We have not added a property since April, 1997 - so the increased business
is not attributable in any way to increased facilities. We do have one other
cabin which we opened in July of '98 - but revenues for that are carried under
a separate bookkeeping system. It, too, is doing extremely well.

Some other advantages of the website: People love it! They are so complimentary
about its appearance and its ease of navigation.

Before the website, we spent hours (seemed like) every day, describing our
cabins to callers, knowing they were going to hang up and call the next cabin,
receive brochures from everyone and then, finally, make their decision.
Now - so often - people call and tell us the cabin they want and the dates.
They reserve on the spot! Of course, we still spend lots of time on the phone
with potential guests - and we firmly believe that being here to answer
the telephone and email is vitally important.

Finally, in our opinion, the MountainLodging™ website is really benefiting
our area of Virginia. I know of several people who are adding additional
cabins - or purchasing their first -- all based on the recent word of mouth
success stories for those of us in the business.

Before Sven and I moved here, we had looked at a property outside
Lexington that we wanted so badly. Unfortunately, it was too expensive
for us so we had to keep looking!

Good luck to you - and we'll be looking for your cabin on the MountainLodging™ site!

Please feel free to contact us if you have any specific questions.

Sven and Frances Jorgensen Lion and Crow Lodge and Cabins

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For further advertising service details please call, e-mail, or use the Feedback button. 

Mountain Lodging Vacation Cabin Rentals™
Karl Baldwin
288 Forest Road
Luray, VA 22835


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Owner listing  and Support: 1- 540-743-2062

vacation cabin rentals, inns, lodges, bed and breakfasts, lodging, mountains

Hit Counter Visitors since September 16, 2005

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Last modified on 12/01/2016

Mountain Lodging Vacation Cabin Rentals